It is about creating a strong safeguarding college culture to build solid structures that will support staff and learners. Safeguarding is paramount and everyone is responsible for keeping learners safe from harm and abuse in any form.
College culture forms the safe environment for vulnerable adults to continue developing their skills into adulthood. It is our aim to work together with everyone to keep them safe by making safeguarding personal with the learners at the centre (Sussex Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures, May 2019).
Additionally, we are in partnership with B&H Safeguarding Adult Board and we are part of Downs View safeguarding network team.
DV Life Skills College follows the government statuary guidance to achieve this and we have the skills, knowledge and expertise to deal with the range of safeguarding incidents:
Protecting learners from maltreatment
Preventing impairment of learner's health and development
Ensuring learners are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
Taking action to enable all learners to have the best outcomes.
Ensuring learners are safe online and teach them how to keep themselves safe and how to report it
Protecting vulnerable learners from the risk of extremising and radicalization (The Prevent Duty)
Ensuring we support and educate our learners about how to keep safe in the community, including county lines awareness.
Emotional, mental health and wellbeing is paramount (KCSIE 2020)
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) to be covered in college (KCSIE 2020)
Embedding safeguarding in the PSHE curriculum across the year to teach and inform learners of
Vulnerable adult protection is part of safeguarding. It refers to activity undertaken to protect specific learners.
Find out more about each element by interacting with icons at the end of this page.

For more information,
or to report a safeguarding concern, contact:
DVLSC Designate safeguarding lead:
Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)
Every local authority has a statutory responsibility to have a Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) who is responsible for co-ordinating the response to allegations that a staff member who works with children may have caused or could cause them harm in the future. A ‘staff member’ is a person whose work brings them into contact with children in their setting. It, therefore, applies to all adults whether paid or working in a voluntary capacity (including supply/agency workers) on or off premises and sites.
B&H Adult safeguarding team:
The Brighton & Hove Safeguarding Adult Board (SAB) is a group of statutory, private, voluntary, and independent organisations across Brighton & Hove who work together to empower and protect some of the most vulnerable members of our community.
Phone: 01273 295555
East Sussex adult safeguarding team:
Phone: 0345 60 80 191
West Sussex adult safeguarding team:
Phone: 01243 642121
Emergency: Stay safe and call: 999

Safeguarding vulnerable adults team

Prevent duty
Part of the College’s safeguarding duty also includes protecting vulnerable individuals from the risk of radicalisation and extremism. This is called the ‘Prevent Duty’. Prevent is a government initiative aimed at stopping people becoming involved with (radicalised) or supporting violent extremism.
What is Radicalisation?
The government defines radicalisation as a process by which an individual or group comes to adopt increasingly extreme political, social, or religious ideals and aspirations that reject or undermine the status quo or reject and/or undermine contemporary ideas and expressions of freedom of choice.
What is Extremism?
The government has defined extremism as: “vocal or active opposition to British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs”. The college shares and promotes these values across our community.
British Values, Equality & Diversity:
We follow governmental principles on promoting British Values throughout College, these are:
Rule of Law
Mutual Respect & Tolerance
Individual Liberty
Channel Panel
Channel is a multi-agency approach to safeguarding, supporting and protecting children, young people and vulnerable adults at risk of radicalisation, extremism or terrorist related activity.
Channel Panel aims to:
find individuals at risk of being drawn into extremism
look at the nature and extent of the risk
develop the most appropriate support plan for the people concerned
Further support and advice is available by contacting the Channel and Prevent team in Brighton and Hove city council.
Call: 01273 291115 or 01273290584
Useful Websites: extremist materials
Online safety
It has never been more important to keep yourself safe online. Here are some useful tips from the UK Safer Internet Centre to remember:
-Protect your online reputation and ‘think before you post’. Content posted online can last forever and could be shared publicly by anyone.
-Report anything that concerns you to service providers and use blocking and deleting tools. If something happens that upsets you online, it’s never too late to tell someone.
-Don’t give in to pressure. Remember, if you lose your inhibitions, you’ve lost control and once you’ve pressed send, you can’t take it back.
-Respect the law! Use reliable services and know how to legally access the music, film and TV you want.
-Acknowledge your sources. Use trustworthy content and remember to give credit when using others’ work or ideas.
Students, parents, carers and staff can use the useful links below about how to stay safe online:
BT Parent guide to online safety
NSPCC online safety
Department for Education
Let’s talk about it
UK Safer Internet Centre
If you are experiencing online bullying or something else online has worried you, please speak to a member of College staff, an adult you trust, or you can talk to Childline at any time on 0800 11 11 or Childline’s website.