Our curriculum
Our curriculum has been developed with direct reference to the ‘Preparation for Adulthood’ themes of Employment, Independent Living, Friends Relationships & Community, and Good Health.
We use these themes, learners’ own aspirations for the future and our expertise in accessible education when developing their Education Health and Care (EHC) plan outcomes. This ensures that the outcomes are relevant to this transitional phase in their lives and their educational needs.
It is our aim to support each learner in being as independent as possible. That independence may be in relation to how they are able to care for themselves wherever they live, or what they are able to achieve in relation to work, supported work or volunteering.
Please note parents and carers are informed of relationship and RE curriculum components and have the right to withdraw learners as appropriate. If you would like moer information please get in touch.

Our curriculum framework encompasses
Here at Downs View Life Skills College, we offer our students a comprehensive learning environment, filled with academic support and educational services. Ever since we got our start in 2016, Downs View Life Skills College has been instilling knowledge in students from all over. Our faculty will go the extra mile to give our students the tools needed to grow and succeed.