Our admissions policy
Is my child eligible for a DVLSC place?
Our learners must meet the following criteria:
They will have an Education Health and Care plan.
They will have complex special educational needs such as Severe Learning Difficulties, Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties. They may also have Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) and sensory and physical needs.
The placement is appropriate to the learner’s needs.
Their admission is compatible with the interests of the other learners at the College.
The placement is an efficient use of public resources.
There are up to 37 places available to learners over 19 years of age.
In year admissions may be possible and would be arranged through the Local Authority.
We encourage families to visit the Life Skills College and open evenings and work with your Local Authority regarding a placement.
If you are resident in Brighton And Hove then your application will need to come through the SEN team at the local authority.
For East and West Sussex then please contact your SEN team in addition to making contact with the college.